High Frequency Word List

First Quarter:
am                     is                       the                look                  an
at                       like                    to                  my                    had
can                    and                    in                  on                     a
go                      see                    it                   up                     I
here                   do                     you               has                    as
Second Quarter:
if                        from                  no                 put                     of
she                    they                  all                  come                 have
we                     he                     his                 cat                     me
its                      be                     so                  dog                    out
yes                    went                 did                  will                    was
Third Quarter:
him                    get                   day                why                  them
want                  big                    play               when                away
got                     little                  that                then                 ask
not                     said                  where            there                with
but                     long                  what              this                   one
Fourth Quarter:
would                 her                   father             make                girl
could                  were                mother           came                first
for                      over                 down              are                   boy
because             after                 now               eat                    your
very                    who                  saw               again                baby