Briana Forshee » School Expectations

School Expectations

School Wide Behavior Expectations 
At Fair Grove, we have high expectations in the hallways, buses, classrooms, restrooms, cafeteria, and on the playground.
School Motto: "Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be your Best. We are Fair Grove."
Be Respectful:
- Remain quiet & keep hands & feet to yourself at all times.
- Listen to bus driver.
- Wait patiently at your bus stop.
- Ask permission to use other's things.
- Wait your turn when others are speaking.
- Use manners toward teachers.
- Enter & leave the restroom quietly.
- Give others their privacy.
- Wait your turn in line.
- Practice good manners.
- Use inside voice.
- Be a good friend by keeping hands, feet, & objects to yourself while playing.
- Use kind words.
Be Responsible:
- Stay in line with eyes forward.
- Gather all your belongings & keep the bus clean.
- Complete all assignments.
- Listen to the teacher & follow all directions.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Flush the toilet.
- Wash your hands.
- Remain silent until you are told to talk.
- Clean up your trash.
- Stay seated.
- Follow rules for the playground.
- Use playground equipment properly.
Be Your Best:
- Stay on the right side of the hall and set a good example for others.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
- Try YOUR best in everything that you do.
- Leave bathroom in a better condition than when you entered.
- Notify a staff member if something needs attention.
- Leave cafeteria area in a better condition than when you arrived.
- Include other in play.
- Be mindful of your surroundings.